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MPH: My Philosophy of Life
5,000 Years of Psychological Research - 12/1/1957
The Act of Prayer as Medicine for the Soul - 8/23/1964
The Active and Passive Aspects of Enlightened Conduct - 3/26/1961
Adept Tradition in Modern Living - 4/11/1982
Adjusting to the Results of Personal Growth - 3/5/1961
Ahimsa, a Sect Devoted to Harmlessness - 5/8/1988
Alchemy as a Key to Social Regeneration - 11/10/1985
The Alchemy of Attitudes - 2/28/1960
An Invitation to Insight - 8/14/1983
Analyzing the Anxiety Complex - 11/6/1960
Ancient Teachers 600 BC - 1/15/1958
Anger - Its Cause and Cure - ?
The Animal's Place in the Universal Plan - 4/4/1982
Are Negative Instincts Natural or Acquired? - 5/11/1958
Are We Morally Responsible for the Advice We Give? - 7/22/1984
Are We Ready for the Great Leap into a Peaceful World? - 5/22/1988
Armageddon - the War That Ends in Peace - 8/9/1981
As the Twig Is Bent - Hazards of Growing Up - 7/27/1986
Astrology and Epidemical Diseases - 3/2/1958
Atlantis and the Gods of Antiquity - 12/6/1981
Back to Basics in Religion, Philosophy, and Science - 9/8/1985
Basic Problems of Diet and Nutrition - 6/24/1962
Be Your Own Psychotherapist - 4/1/1984
Behind the Mask of the Personality - 7/29/1956
Being Alive Now - How To Live with the Events of the Day - 8/27/1961
Black Hole in the Memory - 3/18/1984
Broken Heart and Offended Pride - 7/22/1956
Buddha and the Bomb - 8/29/1982
Buddha on the Cause and End of Suffering - 6/6/1982
Buddha's Great Discourse on Love - 6/8/1958
Buddhism As Psychotherapy - 8/24/1958
Buddhist Mysticism - The End of Suffering - 8/19/1962
Building a Second Career after Sixty - ?
Building Today for an Unknown Future - 4/19/1981
Can Astrology Help Us Understand Reincarnation and Karma? - 8/13/1961
The Challenge of Self-Expression - the Gateway to Contentment - 5/6/1962
Chariots of the Gods? - The Recent Book by Erich Von Daniken - 4/1/1973
Christ As an Archetypal Symbol of Man's Spiritual Maturity - 4/18/1965
Christ in the Realms of the Dead - 3/30/1986
Christian Gospels That Were Never in the Bible - 12/19/1982
Christmas - the Day When Divine Love Was Made Flesh - 12/23/1984
Cinderella Story in Psychological Folklore - 10/27/1957
Civilization Begins with Us - 11/9/1986
Cocaine and Karma - 4/21/1985
Concrete and Abstract Functions of the Human Mind - 5/21/1878
The Conflict between Thought and Reality - 5/6/1966
Confucius and the Computer - 9/22/1985
Conscious Growth by Self-Direction and Attention - 10/23/1960
Consciousness - Conduct and Culture - 5/20/1956
Constructive Adjustment to a World Under Stress - 9/28/1986
Constructive and Destructive Aspects of Self-Analysis - 2/23/1958
Coping with Mental and Emotional Depression - 8/22/1982
Cosmic Mind in Action - 9/17/1961
Creative Self-Expression, the Lost Art - 12/3/1961
Creative Use of Memory - 9/11/1988
Cycle of the Phoenix in World History - 12/15/1985
Dangers of Psychic Self-Deception - 10/24/1982
Dante's La Vita Nuova (New Life) - 9/27/1981
Developing the Skills to Make Decisions - 8/2/1964
Dimensions beyond Death - ?
Dispositional Factors in Human Relationships - 8/19/1984
Divorce - a Philosophical Evaluation - 12/2/1984
Do We Bring Our Troubles with Us into This World? - 6/3/1984
Do We Choose Our Lives before We Are Born? - 5/31/1987
The Duties of the Heart - 8/12/1962
The Dynamics of Humility - 12/15/1957
The Dynamics of Simplicity - Freedom from Complicated Thinking - 12/15/1962
Each Art and Science Has a Moral Structure of Its Own - 11/5/1989
The Earth Is the Lord's and the Fullness Thereof - 11/23/1986
Education Must Prepare for the World of Tomorrow - 6/5/1983
Education without Enlightenment Can Be Dangerous - 10/8/1989
Effects of Stimulants and Narcotic Drugs on the Human Psyche - 6/4/1961
Emotional Body and the Beginning of Social Consciousness - 5/7/1989
Emotional Stress - 8/5/1990
Emperor Julian's Oration on the Mother of the Gods - 11/20/1977
Epistles, Pastoral and Prophetic - 8/11/1955
Escape from the Tyranny of Our Own Thoughts - 9/11/1983
Esoteric Alchemy - Transformation of Attitudes - 7/8/1984
Etidorhpa - The End of Earth - 12/9/1959
Exploring the World Within Ourselves - The Inside of the Cup - 3/30/1980
Fables of Aesop the Slave - 5/9/1982
Face of Christ and Master of the Blue Cape - ?
Faith - the Internal Belief in an Eternal Good - 3/20/1988
Fascination of the Supernatural - Ghost Lore - 2/18/1962
Fate and the Philosophy of Destiny - 7/12/1981
Feeding the Mind with Junk Ideas - 5/23/1982
Feminine Factor in World Religions - 5/12/1985
First Line of Defense against Adversity - 9/23/1984
Five Books of Moses - 7/14/1955
The Flower of the Five Senses - 8/26/1956
Four Gospels of the New Testament - 8/4/55
Ghosts, Visions, and Premonitions - 8/16/1959
Gods Fought above Troy and Are Still Fighting - 6/5/1988
Golden Chain of Homer That Binds Heaven and Earth - 9/13/1981
Golden Verses of Pythagoras - 11/10/1957
Gospels That Were Never in the Bible - 12/19/1982
Growing By Degrees - The Philosophy of Modern Freemasonry - 6/23/1957
Guardian of the Light - ?
Gulliver's Travels - Jonathan Swift's Satire - 8/28/1983
The Habit of Thinking Constructively - Cultivating the Positive Outlook - 11/25/1956
Healing Power of Nature - 3/8/1959
Healing through Communication - ?
The Healing Value of Great Art - Medicine through the Eyes - 11/13/1955
Health and the Zodiac - 5/14/1961
Heredity and Karma - The Sins of the Fathers - 3/19/1963
Hidden Church of the Holy Grail - 12/19/1971
The Hidden Powers of Words - ?
How Astrology Has Influenced the Religions of Mankind - 11/13/1957
How Dynamic Conviction Changes Life and Living - 1/12/1958
How Emotions Can Contribute to Spiritual Growth - 8/22/1965
How Far Can We Trust Ourselves and Others? - 3/9/1958
How Hierarchy Communicates with Humans - ?
How Inspired Art Helps us Grow - 3/21/1965
How Karma Works (Or Does It?) - ?
How To Avoid Irritation - 5/23/1965
How To Break Through Your Emotional Blocks - 4/24/1960
How To Choose a Religion or Philosophy Appropriate to Your Own Needs - 10/19/1980
How to Cope with Depression - 8/22/1982
How to Live Serenely in this Age of Anxiety - 6/29/1958
How to Live with Your Split Personality - 8/14/1960
How to Make Your Home More Beautiful - Growth Through Planned Environment - 6/1/1958
How To Plant the Seeds of Your Own Happiness Tree - 9/9/1984
How To Stop Negative Thinking - 9/29/1963
How To Turn off the TV in One Easy Lesson and Live Happily Ever After - 8/5/1984
Human Consciousness as Will and Idea - 8/12/1956
The Human Mind and Concept of Time - 8/5/1956
The Human Soul - Its Nature and Functions - 7/15/1956
Hysteria, Its Cause and Consequence - 8/30/1981
I Beg To Differ with the Darwinian Theory - 7/25/1982
Idealistic Humanism - the Right of the Individual To Be Right - 8/4/1985
Ignorance, Natural or Acquired - 4/13/1986
In Bondage to Freedom - 6/17/1979
Initiation of the Pyramid - ?
Inside of the Cup - 3/30/1980
Integration of the Ageless, Timeless Spiritual Laws - ?
Integrity, the Endangered Virtue - 7/17/1983
An Invitation to Insight - 8/14/1983
Is Each Individual Born with a Purpose? - 12/8/1957
Is Religion a Dedication or a Commitment? - 6/29/1986
Is There a Guardian Angel? - 12/11/1983
Is Worry Destroying Your Peace of Mind? Suggestions for Breaking a Dangerous Habit - 3/15/1964
Islam's Contribution to Man's Spiritual Security - 11/27/1955
Jacob's Ladder That Leads to the Stars - 5/3/1987
Keeping the Mind Active in Advancing Years - 6/7/1981
Kennedy and His Stars - 10/27/1963
Language - the Use, Misuse, and Abuse of Words - 9/25/1988
Last Ten Years of Life Can Be the Most Important - 6/17/1984
Little Child in Us That Never Grows Up - 4/15/1984
Living in the Past, Present, and Future - 12/12/1971
Lord Bacon's Interpretation of Classic Myths - 12/9/1979
Lost in a Psychic Wonderland - 3/14/1982
Love - the Most Mysterious of Human Emotions - 9/9/1979
Magic - White, Gray, and Black - 7/10/1988
Magnetic Fields of the Human Body and Their Functions - 4/23/1989
Mahamaya, Mother of the Buddha - 5/13/1984
Making the Best Possible Use of Available Time - 12/12/1982
The Man of Earth and the Man of Heaven: St. Paul on the Mystery of the Incarnation - 12/21/1958
Manly P. Hall, Dr. Carl Jung and the Flying Saucers - 8/30/1959
Materiality Is the Glamorizing of Beauty - 11/19/1989
Maturity Is the Grand Illusion: Some People Are Just Younger Than Others - 11/24/1985
Meaning Versus Usage - ?
Meditation Disciplines Can Cause Trouble - 7/31/1983
Mental Attitudes Affect Physical Health - 10/19/1986
The Mental-Emotional Conflict - 3/11/1956
Mental Stress - 8/19/1990
Merkabah, Mystical Disciplines - 6/2/1955
Migrations of the Human Spirit - 6/18/1989
Mills of God Grind Slowly - 5/4/1980
Milton's View of Paradise Lost and Regained - 3/13/1983
Mind and the Book: Planned Reading Can Enrich Your Live - 11/4/1956
Mind and the Book: Planned Reading Can Enrich Your Live - 11/4/1956
Motivations behind Thought, Emotions, and Action - 11/4/1956
Music of Comte de St. Germain - ?
My Philosophy of Life - ?
Mysteries of the Astral Light - 9/14/1986
The Mystery of the Father-Mother Image in Ourselves - 8/9/1959
The Mystery of the High I.Q. - 5/25/1958
Mystery of Love, Divine and Human - 11/20/1983
Mystery of Public Opinion - 7/28/1957
The Mystery of the Father-Mother Image - 8/9/1959
Mystical and Prophetic Books - ?
Mystical Life Way of the American Indians - 6/16/1985
Mystical Meanings of Playing Cards - 11/9/1980
Mystical Symbolism of the Rubaiyat - 9/23/1964
Mythology of the Space Age - 9/11/1960
Never Let the Past Ruin the Future - 12/14/1986
New Atlantis - Sir Francis Bacon - 4/18/1962
None But the Lonely Heart - The Eternal Quest To Be Understood - 12/6/1959
The New Commandment - Love Thine Enemies - 4/3/1983
Obeying Universal Laws Can Be a Pleasant Experience - 10/18/1987
Opening the Doors to the Invisible - 6/2/1985
Organizing and Conserving Personal Energy Resources - 11/22/1981
Pandora's Box - the Mystery of Memory - 4/17/1988
Perfection Is Hard to Come By - 7/13/1986
The Personal Discovery of Immortality - 12/22/1957
Personal Armageddon - the War That Ends in Peace - 8/9/1981
Personal Discipline against Prejudiced Thinking - 6/20/1982
Personal Experience of the Christian Mystery - 12/21/1986
A Philosophical Evaluation of Divorce - ?
Philosophical Reflections on the Use and Abuse of Money - 3/29/1981
Physical Body as a Universal Symbol - 4/9/1989
Physical Stress - 7/22/1990
The Piscean Age: a System of World Prophecy - 2/2/1964
The Planets and the Ancient Gods - 11/27/1957
The Power to Change Your Mind - A Study in Attitude Fixation - 2/16/1964
Prayer As Medicine for the Soul -"Master, teach us to pray" - 8/23/1964
Precious Stones in Lore and Legend - 5/7/1961
Priceless Gift of Faith - 3/15/1985
Problems of Diet and Nutrition - Ancient and Modern Health Concepts - 6/24/1962
Prophets of Antiquity Versus Profits of Today - 5/22/1983
PRS Cornerstone Dedication Ceremony 1959 - ?
Psychic Phenomena in the Life of Abraham Lincoln - 5/30/1965
Psychic Self-Destruction - 11/16/1980
Psychic Smog - Its Cause and Cure - 7/24/1988
Psychological Allergies - 4/25/1982
The Psychological Symbolism of Humor - 6/15/1958
Psychosis of Wealth Is Self-Destruction - 6/15/1986
Pythagoras on the Therapeutic Value of Music - 10/18/1959
The Quest for Spiritual Maturity - 11/19/1961
Quest for Spiritual Teachers - 7/12/1985
Race for the Moon - Ancient Interpretations of the Lunar Mystery - 2/16/1958
Reaching the Center - Truth Leads All Things to Itself - 11/11/1962
The Record of Lost Atlantis - ?
Reflections on Esoteric Christianity - 4/11/1971
Religion and Neurosis in 20th Century America - 6/23/1963
The Resurrection Mystery - 4/22/1984
Rivers of Life - 7/16/1961
Rosicrucian Mystery School of the Holy Spirit - ?
Sacred Images - Visible Representations of Divine Principles - 8/8/1982
Sacred Mysteries of the Human Body - 6/8/1980
Saint Paul at the Altar of the Unknown God - 9/13/1987
Saint Paul - the Initiate Apostle - 4/3/1988
Satori: The Awakening of Intuition - 6/22/1958
Science of Ethics and the Ethics of Science - ?
Science of Religion and Religion of Science - 9/23/1979
Scientific Dilemmas: What's Lurking Out There in Space? - 11/1/1987
Search for the Essential Meaning of Life - 10/22/1989
Search for the Meaningful Self - 12/9/1962
The Search for the Purposeful Life - 5/31/1959
The Search for Man's Natural Religion - 11/2/1958
The Search for Personal Identity - What Are We Here to Accomplish? - 11/2/1958
The Search for the Meaningful Self - 12/9/1962
Second Coming of the Santa Claus Spirit - 12/21/1987
Secret Societies in the Modern World - 12/21/1987
A Second Look at the Law of Karma - 11/2/1986
Secret Language of Persian Poets - 9/16/1964
Secret Motives behind Conduct - ?
Secret of Mental Health - Diversification of Activities - 11/7/1982
The Secret of the 33rd Degree Freemason - ?
Secret Powers and Why We Should Not Use Them - 3/11/1964
Secret Societies at Work in the World Today - 2/22/1959
The Self Against the World - 6/28/1959
The Sermon on the Mount - A Mystical Interpretation - 12/17/1961
Seven Problems That Are Plaguing the World - 6/28/1959
Seven Races of Mankind from Atlantis - 5/10/1957
The Seven Sacraments and Psychotherapy - 11/9/1958
Seven Wonders of the World - Ancient and Modern - 5/4/1958
Sevenfold Mystery of Love - 5/11/1986
Should Religious Organizations Be Involved in Partisan Politics? - ?
Sight and Understanding - Are Eyes the Windows of the Soul? - 6/17/1962
The Solar Christmas - 12/16/1984
Some Reflections on the Subject of Earthquakes - 10/10/1982
Soul-Image as the Immortal Friend 3/24/57
Soul, the Garment of Glory - 6/4/1989
Spinal Column and the Kundalini - 3/15/1961
The Spirit of Zen - ?
Stand Aside and Watch Yourself Go By - 3/27/1983
Strange World of Psychic Phenomena - 5/10/1981
Stress Triad: Tension, Contention, Retention - 12/11/1960
Studies in Stress - 7/8/1990
Study Astrology for a Successful Marriage - 12/1/1963
Success Is the Accomplishment of the Necessary - 12/3/1989
A Suggestive Inquiry into the Hermetic Mystery - 5/9/1962
Survey of Biblical Cabalism - 7/28/1955
Symbolism of Sleep in Human Life - 3/17/1957
Teacher and Student Relationships and Responsibilities - 3/16/1980
Teaching the Mind and Body to Work Together - 12/13/1981
Testing Your Own Convictions - 12/13/1981
Therapeutic Value of the Great Art - 11/13/1955
Things To Be Thankful For This Thanksgiving - 11/22/1987
This Enchanted Isle We Call the World - 9/28/1980
Those Who Attain Integrity Must Pass on the Lamp - 12/17/1989
Time Is Not for Wasting - 10/6/1985
To Pass on the Lamp - 3/22/1987
To Restore the Dignity of Marriage - 4/19/1987
Tragedy of the Broken Doll - 11/6/1983
The Tragedy of the Mind-Driven - 5/3/1964
Training the Faculty of Intuition - 7/13/1980
Transcendentalists of Egypt, Greece, and Boston, Massachusetts - 5/8/1983
Transformation Mystery - Alchemy of Attitudes - 2/28/1960
The True Story of Anna's King of Siam - 6/21/1960
The Universe and Its Laws - 10/21/1964
The Unknown Can Be Beautiful - Mystery Is an Attitude, Not a Fact - 8/30/1964
Unlocking the Mysteries of the Mind - 6/1/1986
Universal Religion According to Meister Eckhart - 2/11/1962
Update on Reincarnation - 4/5/1987
Value of Astrology in Self Analysis - 11/30/1958
Victory of the Soul over Circumstance - 3/18/1990
Vigil as a Mystical Discipline - 11/11/1984
The Vision of Divine Union - the Mystical Experience of Thomas a Kempis - 3/15/1959
Visions That Have Shaped the United States - 4/18/1982
The Warrior's Path - Western Approach to the Mysteries - ?
Wealth Addiction Can Be As Dangerous as Drug Addiction - 8/10/1986
Weighed in the Balance and Found Wanting Too Much - 10/4/1987
The Western Paradise on Earth - the Buddhist Doctrine of the Pure Land - 10/11/1981
What Does Faith in God Really Mean? - 5/24/1959
What Is Anger and How Can It Be Conquered? - 1/24/1957
What Is Righteousness? - 4/7/1985
What Is the Hereditary Factor Doing to You? - 10/20/1985
What Is the Unforgivable Sin? - 6/14/1987
What the Study of Astrology Can Contribute to a Successful Marriage - 12/1/1963
When the Universal and Natural Laws Are in Conflict - ?
Who Am I? Eastern and Western Answers - 10/16/1960
Why I Believe in Rebirth - 4/7/1957
Will, Mind, and Imagination vs. Consciousness - 11/13/1960
William Penn, the Quaker and His Holy Experiment - 7/7/1985
The Winter Solstice and the Solar Christmas - 12/16/1984
Winter Solstice: Annual Rebirth of the Universal Soul - 12/22/1985
The Wisdom of Psychological Folklore: Cinderella - 10/27/1957
The Wisdom of the Greeks Can Help Solve Problems of Modern Society - 8/18/1985
Wisdom School of the Air - Ignorance - Natural or Acquired - 4/13/1986
World Problems as Projections of the Psychic Pressures of the Individual - 9/13/1964
World Soul under Stress - 3/15/1981
Worlds beyond the Grave - 8/21/1988
Write Your Own Textbook for Constructive Living - 6/19/1983
Your Instinct to Love - 2/26/1956
Your Own Life Is Your Personal Mandala - 8/24/1986
Zen and Christian Mysticism - 3/18/1962
Zen and Nuclear Fission - 10/9/1983
Zen and the Mental Computer - ?
Zen and the Stock Exchange - 8/6/1988
The Zen Gospel of Self-Realization - 9/24/1961